Be scared.
Do it anyway.

The Foundation
Our Core Values are:
The Philosophy
When the human condition suffers the quality of life suffers.
When the human condition is well the quality of life improves. Wellness is an individual journey.
Wellness is achievable.
Why Emerging Triumphantly exists.
To emerge is to come out of. To be triumphant is to be victorious. Each of us deserves to rise out of traumatic experiences and circumstances.
What Emerging Triumphantly does.
Emerging Triumphantly utilizes a strength-based and growth mindset approach to co-create spaces with youth
and families that promote inclusion, healthy self-expression, and relationship building within families,
peer groups, and the community.
Who Emerging Triumphantly serves.
Emerging Triumphantly serves families that include grandparents, parents, guardians, and children
who have been impacted by generational trauma. Generational trauma is often present
in our communities. We are committed to supporting families with building stronger relationships,
that build stronger communities...one experience at a time.
How do you know if you may have been impacted by generational trauma?
- Are you experiencing unhealthy patterns with your child(ren)/youth that were passed down to you?
- Do unhealthy parts of your relationship(s) with your child(ren)/youth mirror the relationship(s) with your parent(s)/guardian(s)?
- Would you like to co=create a healthier relationship with your child(ren)/youth?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, let's talk!
Join me for a FREE discovery to see how I can serve your needs.

"I'm not necessarily the kind of person who just opens
up to anyone or has difficult conversations. You
created a safe space where I felt comfortable to do
those things. The world can be a scary place, but you
are a person who always brings light to it."

"Ms. Lex is incredibly dedicated to sharing love, wisdom, and altruism every single day. I wouldn't trade my experience with her for anything in the world."

"Life is hard and confusing as a teenager. Thank you for a place to go to build relationships and learn life skills."